Internship Frequently Asked Questions
At LUK, our Apprenticeship and Internships are different in the requirements to participate. Our Apprentices must be 18 or older, and they do not need to be affiliated with any sort of college or institution. There are also different hourly requirements. Interns need to be in a college or institution program majoring in Human Services or a related field. Learn more about Apprenticeships and Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Internships.
LUK provides a wide variety of services, and interns are placed with staff within the various divisions and departments of the company. Some services that interns may interact with include:
Administration: As a multi-service company, LUK has a robust administrative team that handles Marketing, Finances, Billing, Data, Quality Assurance, Fundraising, Information Technology, Program Development, and Human Resources.
Transition to Independent Living: LUK’s TIL services offers placement services for young people who are homeless, including pregnant and parenting young people. Young adults in need of housing are provided case management services to meet their unique needs, including help finding a job, applying for services, and parenting support.
Residential: LUK provides residential placement services for youth and young adults involved with the Department of Children & Families (DCF). Youth placed in our residential services are provided with individualized case management and counseling services while staying in a home-like setting. Youth in LUK’s residential services may have access to other supportive services, such as occupational therapy, psychiatry, peer mentoring, and educational services, as needed. We offer both emergency residential services and treatment residential services.
Community Placement (Foster Care): LUK provides foster care services for children and youth throughout Central Massachusetts. These services are provided to youth involved with the Department of Children & Families (DCF), Department of Youth Services (DYS), and Department of Mental Health (DMH).
Behavioral Health: We offer both individual and family counseling, and provide these services in our clinics, in-home, in the community, and through telehealth. Our skilled staff is trained in many research-based and nationally recognized approaches.
Prevention and Intervention: We provide a variety of services to develop assets and skills of young people in order to increase healthy choices and decrease risky behaviors. Nationally recognized, proven models are offered locally to individuals and groups. Services are offered at schools and in the community throughout the year.
Support Services: LUK offers a wide array of Support Services to meet the unique needs of families and individuals. We get to know the person or family we’re working with and adjust our approach to meet their needs.
Yes! Our Apprenticeship program is available to anyone over the age of 18. Whether you’re a senior in high school looking to explore career options or a post-grad wanting to gain some experience, you are eligible for our Apprenticeship program! Learn more about Apprenticeships.
Internships are a minimum of 450 hours, and applicants can apply for any time. Our Apprenticeship program has both year-long and summer opportunities; applicants for the fall should be ready to apply in early summer, and summer applicants should apply in early spring.
Don’t panic! Our programs accept applications throughout the year if there are still available slots. Email to see if there’s still availability.
Due to the nature of the human services field, our internships and apprenticeships are in person. Contact with any questions.
We have licensed supervisors (e.g. LICSW, LMHC, GPC) throughout the agency. Contact for more information.