Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- Department of Children & Families (DCF)
- Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
- Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)
- Department of Mental Health (DMH)
- Department of Public Health (DPH)
- DPH Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS)
- Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
- Department of Youth Services (DYS)
- Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS)
- Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General
- Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA)
United States Federal Government
- Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention
- Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Department of Health & Human Services, Family & Youth Services Bureau
- Department of Health & Human Services, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Additional Funders
- Amelia Peabody Foundation
- AmeriCorps
- Brake the Silence
- Citizens Energy
- Commonwealth Corporation
- Digital Federal Credit Union
- The George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation
- Robert Kraft and the New England Patriot’s Foundation
- Mass Mentoring Partnership (MMP)
- Mass Service Alliance (MSA)
- Reliant Foundation
- UMass Memorial Health – HealthAlliance-Clinton Hospital
- United Way of Central Massachusetts
- United Way of North Central Massachusetts
- United Way of South Central Massachusetts
Various Public & Commercial Health Insurers and Countless Local Businesses and Individuals Like YOU!