Friends of LUK

Are you a Friend of LUK?

Have you been a: Staff Member? Volunteer? Board Member? Supporter?

Friends of LUK Logo, which features the outline of the same house as the LUK main logo, with one large pink heart and one smaller red heart within, with the text "Friends of LUK"

Friends of LUK is how we describe all the people who have supported LUK’s mission over the years, including current and former staff, volunteers, board members, and donors. As we continue to grow and work to support our communities, we want to keep our Friends updated on all the work we do, opportunities to work with us, and upcoming events. Please Click Here to Join our Mailing List and receive our Friends of LUK Quarterly Newsletter!

For more information, please email or call 800-579-0000. Follow us on social media for news, info, events, and more! FacebookYouTube | LinkedIn